Fadi Hassan

Senior Economist, Bank of Italy

​Research Affiliate, CEPR

Research Associate, CEP-LSE

I am a co-founder and editor of quattrogatti.info

The Quattrogatti project offers an analytical news service on economic and social issues particularly to the layperson. We have covered topics like the debt crisis, the economic and social impact of migration, or how the mafia get hold of firms, just to name a few. Our distinctive feature is the emphasis we put on communication. We use animated videos, infographics and interactive presentations. These techniques allow us to explain complex issues in a simple and entertaining way, while maintaining a high rigor. We use data from primary sources, academic papers and technical reports. Moreover, our works are subject to a peer review process by renowned academics and experts on the subject. 

We have received thousands of emails from people saying “Thank you guys! Today I have understood what many political talk shows have never explained me”. Our best works have reached hundreds of thousands of people and recently, among other things, we have collaborated with the Open Society Foundation, our works have been published in major media outlets like Corriere della Sera or La Stampa and we have been invited at the Europarlament for a workshop on the debt crisis.

We have realized that there is an information gap to be filled in particular about economic issues. People want to be informed but traditional media don't fully satisfy this need. Political talk shows tend to offer partisan debates and newspapers and TV news give for granted too many concepts. We provide a complementary service to traditional media explaining things from first principles and highlighting the difference between alternative perspectives. In this way we enable people to form their own opinion.

We believe that a good society is an informed society. We want people to truly understand and be able to judge what their political leaders and decision makers are doing. As Thomas Jefferson said: "Only a well informed citizenry is capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course".

Thanks to my work with Quattrogatti, I have been invited to be part of the Global Shapers Community of the World Economic Forum.

Also, I have been invited to the Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

You can look at our production visiting www.quattrogatti.info (in Italian).


Posts and Comments on other media

: Repubblica

Quantitative Easing: cos'è e come funziona

: Fatto Quotidiano

Euro: se stiamo insieme ci sarà un perché!

Legge di stabilità: Italia spendacciona? Niente lezioni dalla UE per favore

: Huffington Post

Euro: la foglia di fico della seconda repubblica

: VoxEu.org

Productivity in Italy: the great unlearning 

M E D I A &  P O L I C Y